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Homeless German Shepherd cries like a human! I have never heard anything like this!!!

It's always heartbreaking to watch the beginning of these rescues - but the endings are always so s-weet!. The video has been viewed over 1M times in just a few days...

Rain was scared and expressed it in a way that I have never heard in my life!  Her cry was heartbreaking, and I am so happy that Carey Linnell called Hope For Paws and asked for help.

Her ears were eaten by flies, her coat was filthy, and I can't imagine what caused her to be so fearful.

Loreta Frankonyte was able to secure her, calm her down, and I initiated the first contact while Loreta was ready to pull her away from me if needed.  Rain never did anything aggressive, she allowed me to touch her and along with Carey, we gained her trust and got her into the crate and from there to the hospital.

Hope For Paws - Official Rescue Channel

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