A whole lotta swearin' going on. Some people just shouldn't drive. Who doesn't love a good road rage video? There sure are enough of them! Here is a compilation of the best of them from USA and Canada. The video has been viewed almost 10M times...
Best (IMHO) of the Year Road Rage & Bad drivers in North America.
Videos featured in the following compilation are intended for criticism, educational and journalistic purposes.
Take this video as a learning tool, watch and do NOT repeat!
We can't get them all so thanks to THIS viral video with over 16M views, here are the top 100 videos from last year...
We've collected the best videos from this year and are ready to serve them up to you. From bear attacks to creepy clams, playful pranks to kid catastrophes and everything in between, check out the top 100 for the silliest, craziest, and most relatable videos of the year. Let us know what your favorite was in the comments!
Some people may not have the time or the resource to brush their teeth for a few days or more but what if you couldn't brush for a year, or forever? What would happen? Do you think you could get away with not doing it?...
What if you never brushed your teeth? Or even stopped for a year? Here's what would happen!